قصيدة Saint Francis and the Sow
The bud ,stands for all things ,even those things that don't flower ;for everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing
The bud ,stands for all things ,even those things that don't flower ;for everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing
هي قصيدة بقلم الشاعر غاجنان مادهاف مكتيبود، تقدم القصيدة الفرق الصارخ بين الطبقة المتميزة والطبقة المحرومة من خلال تقديم الحالة اللاإنسانية للقسم المنهك في مجتمعنا.
The rainbow never tells me ,That gust and storm are by Yet is she more convincing .Than Philosophy
Publication- is the Auction Of the Mind of Man Poverty- be justifying For so foul a thing
—My life closed twice before its close It yet remains to see If Immortality unveil A third event to me
–Much Madness is divinest Sense –To a discerning Eye –Much Sense – the starkest Madness
.What shall we add now? He is dead ,And I who praise and you who blame ,With wash of words across his name
هي قصيدة للشاعرة إدنا فنسنت ميلي، تدور القصيدة حول التأثير الجسدي والروحي للخسارة وكيف يمكن تغيير عالم المرء. ملخص قصيدة Elegy Before Death هي قصيدة من خمسة مقاطع تتكون من مجموعات من أربعة أسطر، كل سطر من هذه الأسطر له نفس الطول والقصيدة تحمل باستمرار مخطط قافية (ABCB DEFE) طوال الوقت، نُشرت هذه […]
;But, sure, the sky is big, I said ;Miles and miles above my head So here upon my back I’ll lie .And look my fill into the sky
;Love has gone and left me and the days are all alike !Eat I must, and sleep I will, — and would that night were here !But ah! — to lie awake and hear the slow hours strike !Would that it were day again! — with twilight near
I will be the gladdest thing !Under the sun I will touch a hundred flowers .And not pick one
My Love is like to ice, and I to fire How comes it then that this her cold so great ,Is not dissolved through my so hot desire ?But harder grows the more I her entreat
,The press of the Spoon River Clarion was wrecked ,And I was tarred and feathered :For publishing this on the day the Anarchists were hanged in Chicago I saw a beautiful woman with bandaged eyes" .Standing on the steps of a marble temple ,Great multitudes passed in front of her .Lifting their faces to her imploringly
,When Winter’s ahead What can you read in November That you read in April ?When Winter’s dead
The sorrow of true love is a great sorrow :And true love parting blackens a bright morrow Yet almost they equal joys, since their despair Is but hope blinded by its tears, and clear .Above the storm the heavens wait to be seen
;Downhill I came, hungry, and yet not starved Cold, yet had heat within me that was proof Against the North wind; tired, yet so that rest .Had seemed the sweetest thing under a roof
–,The glory of the beauty of the morning ;The cuckoo crying over the untouched dew The blackbird that has found it, and the dove
,I have come to the borders of sleep The unfathomable deep Forest where all must lose
In the cold, cold parlor my mother laid out Arthur :beneath the chromographs رEdward, Prince of Wales
هي واحدة من عدة قصائد من مجموعة ماسترز الرائدة (Spoon River Anthology)، كل قصيدة في هذا المجلد هي ضريح بمعنى كلماتها المكتوبة أو المنطوقة بعد وفاة شخص ما
?Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along ?Or a churlish sort of "Howdy" and then vanish in the throng ,Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way
The miller’s wife had waited long ;The tea was cold, the fire was dead And there might yet be nothing wrong
After night’s thunder far away had rolled ,The fiery day had a kernel sweet of cold ,And in the perfect blue the clouds uncurled
Every time the horses turned Instead of treading me down, the ploughman leaned ,Upon the handles to say or ask a word
Only the feathers floating around the hat Showed that anything more spectacular had occurred Than the usual drowning. The police preferred to ignore ,The confusing aspects of the case
نُشرت النسخة الأولى من هذه القصيدة عام 1831 في مجلد الشاعر ( Poe’s volume )، تمت إعادة طبعه وتنقيحه خلال السنوات القليلة التالية حتى عام 1845 عندما وصل إلى النسخة التي يعرفها معظم القراء اليوم
هي قصيدة كتبتها إنغريد دي كوك تعبر عن الفقر المادي في شكل منزل سيء البناء، على الرغم من أنّ هذه الفكرة قد تبدو أساسية فإنّ الشاعرة لا تناقش فقط السلامة الهيكلية أو عدم وجودها للمنزل المعني.
,Outside the door ,lurking in the shadows .is a terrorist
When George’s Grandmamma was told ,That George had been as good as gold She promised in the afternoon .To buy him an Immense BALLOON
هي قصيدة بقلم الشاعر هيلير بيلوك، وهي قصيدة قصيرة مسلية تصف إطلاق الرصاص البلاتيني على فرس النهر.