قصيدة the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls
the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls are unbeautiful and have comfortable minds also, with the church's protestant blessings) (daughters,unscented shapeless spirited
the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls are unbeautiful and have comfortable minds also, with the church's protestant blessings) (daughters,unscented shapeless spirited
a man who had fallen among thieves lay by the roadside on his back dressed in fifteenthrate ideas wearing a round jeer for a hat
,Your mind and you are our Sargasso Sea London has swept about you this score years :And bright ships left you this or that in fee
هي قصيدة بقلم الشاعر عزرا باوند، وهي قصيدة غنية بالصورة تصور لقاء العشاق وسط أقواس قزح في البحر.
,The wind blew out from Bergen from the dawning to the day ,There was a wreck of trees and fall of towers a score of miles away ,And drifted like a livid leaf I go before its tide .Spewed out of house and stable, beggared of flag and bride ,The heavens are bowed about my head, shouting like seraph wars
,It takes much time to kill a tree Not a simple jab of the knife Will do it. It has grown ,Slowly consuming the earth
Márgarét, áre you gríeving ?Over Goldengrove unleaving Leáves like the things of man, you ?With your fresh thoughts care for, can you
,No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief .More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring ?Comforter, where, where is your comforting ?Mary, mother of us, where is your relief
It is 12:20 in New York a Friday three days after Bastille day, yes it is 1959 and I go get a shoeshine because I will get off the 4:19 in Easthampton
?Am I to become profligate as if I were a blonde? Or religious as if I were French Each time my heart is broken it makes me feel more adventurous (and how the same names keep recurring on .that interminable list!), but one of these days there’ll be nothing left with which to venture forth
.I am not a painter, I am a poet Why? I think I would rather be ,a painter, but I am not. Well
If ever the lid gets off my head And lets the brain away The fellow will go where he belonged Without a hint from me
–I’m “wife” – I’ve finished that –That other state –I’m Czar – I’m “Woman” now –It’s safer so
–I like to see it lap the Miles –And lick the Valleys up –And stop to feed itself at Tanks And then – prodigious step
–I dwell in Possibility –A fairer House than Prose –More numerous of Windows –Superior – for Doors
,One need not be a chamber to be haunted ;One need not be a house The brain has corridors surpassing .Material place
—My Garden — like the Beach —Denotes there be — a Sea
,Pink, small, and punctual ,Aromatic, low ,Covert in April ,Candid in May
,It was not Death, for I stood up –And all the Dead, lie down It was not Night, for all the Bells .Put out their Tongues, for Noon
;He tried to spit out the truth ,Dry-mouthed at first
,Never trust a mirror ,For the mirror always lies ,It makes you think that all your worth .Can be seen from the outside
You are running away from everyone ,who loves you ,from your family .from old lovers, from friends
The lazy are slaughtered the world grows industrious The ugly are slaughtered the world grows beautiful
هي قصيدة بقلم الشاعرة إميلي ديكنسون، وهي قصيدة مدروسة وقصيرة، يتعلق الأمر بمدى ضآلة قدرتنا على التحكم في حياتنا اليومية.
If those I loved were lost —The Crier’s voice would tell me If those I loved were found —The bells of Ghent would ring
هي واحدة من عدة قصائد من مجموعة ماسترز الرائدة (Spoon River Anthology)، كل قصيدة في هذا المجلد هي ضريح بمعنى كلماتها المكتوبة أو المنطوقة بعد وفاة شخص ما
هي عبارة عن قصيدة من أربعة مقاطع يتم فصلها إلى مجموعات من ستة أسطر أو مجموعات سداسية، وتنقسم الأسطر كذلك إلى أزواج متناغمة أو مقاطع، تتبع المقاطع نمطًا ثابتًا من (aabbcc)
كان إدغار ألبرت جيست كاتبًا أمريكيًا من مواليد بريطانيا ، تمت قراءة قصائده على نطاق واسع خلال النصف الأول من القرن العشرين، انتقلت عائلته من وارويكشاير بإنجلترا إلى الولايات المتحدة في عام 1891
بدأ إدغار جيست مسيرته المهنية في ديترويت فري برس في عام 1895، حيث عمل في البداية كصانع نسخ، هي قصيدة تحفيزية تشجع القارئ على عدم الاستسلام بسهولة
?Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along ?Or a churlish sort of "Howdy" and then vanish in the throng ,Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way