قصيدة And Ut Pictura Poesis Is Her Name
.You can’t say it that way any more Bothered about beauty you have to ,Come out into the open, into a clearing And rest. Certainly whatever funny happens to you
.You can’t say it that way any more Bothered about beauty you have to ,Come out into the open, into a clearing And rest. Certainly whatever funny happens to you
?What's that fluttering in the breeze It's just a piece of cloth .that brings a nation to its knees
,About my husband, the clown ?what could I say
,GRAND-DAD , they say you’re old and frail :Your stiffened legs begin to fail ,Your staff, no more my pony now ,Supports your body bending low
هي قصيدة بقلم الشاعرة جيل ألكسندر إسبوم، وهي قصيدة قصيرة تملي تعقيدات التعامل مع المشاعر القلبية، تصف قلب الإنسان بأنه غرفة بها أربع حجرات وآلاف الأبواب.
هي قصيدة بقلم الشاعر جيسي بيرنت، القصيدة عبارة عن إعلان عن حب الأب والأطوال التي سيقطعها لحماية ابنته. ملخص قصيدة To the Boys Who May One Day Date My Daughter في السطور الأولى من هذه القصيدة يخاطب المتحدث أي فتى قد يرغب في المستقبل في مواعدة ابنته، لديه عدد من القواعد والنصائح العامة […]
,Boll-weevil’s coming, and the winter’s cold ,Made cotton-stalks look rusty, seasons old ,And cotton, scarce as any southern snow ,Was vanishing; the branch, so pinched and slow
Endless crow noises A skull in the holy sands .tilts its empty country towards hunger
Searching for pillowcases trimmed with lace that my mother-in-law once made, I open the chest of drawers upstairs to find that mice
The heat of autumn .is different from the heat of summer .One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider ,One is a dock you walk out on
When stretch’d on one’s bed ,With a fierce-throbbing head ,Which preculdes alike thought or repose How little one cares
,My heart be brave, and do not falter so .Nor utter more that deep, despairing wail ,Thy way is very dark and drear I know ;But do not let thy strength and courage fail
.Moist, bright, and green, the landscape laughs around ,Full swell the woods; their every music wakes Mix’d in wild concert, with the warbling brooks ,Increased, the distant bleatings of the hills
for my father, 1922-1944 Your face did not rot ,like the others--the co-pilot for example, I saw him
,Crossing the street I saw the parents and the child At their window, gleaming like fruit .With evening’s mild gold leaf
Having used every subterfuge ,To shake you, lies, fatigue, or even that of passion .Now I see no way but a clean break .I add that I am willing to bear the guilt
هي قصيدة بقلم الشاعر جيمس لاسدون، تصف القصيدة إيمان أحد المتحدثين بالخير العام للعالم والطريقة التي يعتقد أنّ المتشائم يجب أن يعيشها.
One the road to the bay was a lake of rushes .Where we bathed at times and changed in the bamboos Now it is rather to stand and say ,How many roads we take that lead to Nowhere
هي قصيدة بقلم الشاعر جيمس كيركوب، القصيدة تعيد حقيقة أنّ جميع الرجال متماثلون، على الرغم من الاختلافات التي صنعها الإنسان في الطائفة والدين والجنسية واللغة.
Of the dark past .A child is born With joy and grief .My heart is torn
;The night was creeping on the ground She crept and did not make a sound Until she reached the tree, and then She covered it, and sole again
In the beginning .there was the war The war said let there be war .and there was war
In summer when the Christmas beetles ,filled each day with thin brass shrilling ,heat would wake you, lapping at the sheet and drive you up and out into the glare
—Whirl up, sea ,whirl your pointed pines splash your great pines
,Rose, harsh rose ,marred and with stint of petals ,meagre flower, thin ,sparse of leaf
All Greece hates ,the still eyes in the white face the lustre as of olives ,where she stands .and the white hands
Even though it’s May & the ice cream truck ,parked outside my apartment is somehow certain ,I have a hard time believing winter is somehow ,all of a sudden, over — the worst one of my life
When ocean-clouds over inland hills ,Sweep storming in late autumn brown ,And horror the sodden valley fills ,And the spire falls crashing in the town
,When the summer harvest was gathered in ,And the sheaf of the gleaner grew white and thin ,And the ploughshare was in its furrow left ,Where the stubble land had been lately cleft
As a pale phantom with a lamp ,Ascends some ruin’s haunted stair So glides the moon along the damp .Mysterious chambers of the air